Features and Benefits
Keeps the surface of aprons free from contamination of dangerous microbes, effective against Bacteria: ISO 22196. Viruses: ISO 21702-2019. Fungi ASTM E-2180 & ASTM G-21 Algae: ASTM D-55892 per tonne of material.
Microbes exist of most surfaces. A cough or sneeze can spray Bacteria and Viruses a significant distance. Viruses can survive for several days without replicating, but bacteria will reproduce on surfaces by themselves. Therefore, all surfaces have the potential to be a source of contamination.
Antimicrobials work at the surface and biochemically deactivate and continuously disrupt and prevent the growth of microorganisms. As a result, antimicrobials protect everyday products such as our aprons by creating an inhospitable environment for microorganisms such as Bacteria, Viruses, Fungus and Algae.